Train PIRL model


VISSL reproduces the self-supervised approach Self-Supervised Learning of Pretext-Invariant Representations proposed by Ishan Misra and Laurens van der Maaten in this paper.

How to train PIRL model

VISSL provides a yaml configuration file containing the exact hyperparameter settings to reproduce the model. VISSL implements all the components including loss, data augmentations, collators etc required for this approach.

To train ResNet-50 model on 4-machines (8-nodes) on ImageNet-1K dataset with PIRL approach using 32,000 negatives selected randomly and feature projection dimension 128:

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50

Vary the training loss settings

Users can adjust several settings from command line to train the model with different hyperparams. For example: to use a different momentum value (say 0.99) for memory and different temperature 0.05 for logits, using 16000 negatives, the NPID training command would look like:

python tools/ config=pretrain/npid/npid_8gpu_resnet \
    config.LOSS.nce_loss_with_memory.temperature=0.05 \
    config.LOSS.nce_loss_with_memory.memory_params.momentum=0.99 \

The full set of loss params that VISSL allows modifying:

  # setting below to "cross_entropy" yields the InfoNCE loss
  loss_type: "nce"
  norm_embedding: True
  temperature: 0.07
  # if the NCE loss is computed between multiple pairs, we can set a loss weight per term
  # can be used to weight different pair contributions differently.
  loss_weights: [1.0]
  norm_constant: -1
  update_mem_with_emb_index: -100
    num_negatives: 16000
    type: "random"
    memory_size: -1
    embedding_dim: 128
    momentum: 0.5
    norm_init: True
    update_mem_on_forward: True
  # following parameters are auto-filled before the loss is created.
  num_train_samples: -1    # @auto-filled

Training different model architecture

VISSL supports many backbone architectures including ResNe(X)ts, wider ResNets. Some examples below:

  • Train ResNet-101:

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50 \
  • Train ResNet-50-w2 (2x wider):

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50 \
    config.MODEL.TRUNK.NAME=resnet config.MODEL.TRUNK.RESNETS.DEPTH=101 \

Training with Gaussian Blur augmentation

Gaussian Blur augmentation has being a crucial transformation for better performance in approaches like SimCLR, SwAV, etc. The original PIRL method didn’t use Gaussian Blur augmentation however PIRL author ( provide configuration for how to use the Gaussian Blur for training PIRL models. The command to run:

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50 \

Please consult the photo_gblur.yaml config for the transformation composition.

Training with MLP head

Recent self-supervised approaches like SimCLR, MoCo, SwAV have benefitted significantly from using an MLP head. Original PIRL work didn’t use MLP head but PIRL author ( provide configuration for using MLP head in PIRL and also open source the models. The command to run:

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50 \

Similarly, to train a ResNet-50-w2 (ie. 2x wider ResNet-50) with PIRL using MLP head:

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50 \

Similarly, to train a ResNet-50-w4 (ie. 4x wider ResNet-50) with PIRL using MLP head:

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50 \

Vary the number of epochs

In order to vary the number of epochs to use for training PIRL models, one can achieve this simply from command line. For example, to train the PIRL model for 100 epochs instead, pass the num_epochs parameter from command line:

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50 \

Vary the number of gpus

VISSL makes it extremely easy to vary the number of gpus to be used in training. For example: to train the PIRL model on 8-gpus or 1gpu, the changes required are:

  • Training on 1-gpu:

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50 \
  • Training on 8-gpus:

python tools/ config=pretrain/pirl/pirl_jigsaw_4node_resnet50 \


Please adjust the learning rate following ImageNet in 1-Hour if you change the number of gpus.

Pre-trained models

See VISSL Model Zoo for the PyTorch pre-trained models with VISSL for PIRL and the benchmarks.


    title={Self-Supervised Learning of Pretext-Invariant Representations},
    author={Ishan Misra and Laurens van der Maaten},