Source code for vissl.utils.perf_stats

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import logging
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from time import perf_counter
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torch.cuda import Event as CudaEvent

[docs]class PerfTimer: """ Very simple timing wrapper, with context manager wrapping. Typical usage: with PerfTimer('forward_pass', perf_stats): model.forward(data) # ... with PerfTimer('backward_pass', perf_stats): model.backward(loss) # ... print(perf_stats.report_str()) Note that timer stats accumulate by name, so you can as if resume them by re-using the name. You can also use it without context manager, i.e. via start() / stop() directly. If supplied PerfStats is constructed with use_cuda_events=True (which is default), then Cuda events will be added to correctly track time of async execution of Cuda kernels: with PerfTimer('foobar', perf_stats): some_cpu_work() schedule_some_cuda_work() In example above, the "Host" column will capture elapsed time from the perspective of the Python process, and "CudaEvent" column will capture elapsed time between scheduling of Cuda work (within the PerfTimer scope) and completion of this work, some of which might happen outside the PerfTimer scope. If perf_stats is None, using PerfTimer does nothing. """ def __init__(self, timer_name: str, perf_stats: Optional["PerfStats"]): self.skip: bool = False if perf_stats is None: self.skip = True return str = timer_name self.elapsed: float = 0.0 self._last_interval: float = 0.0 self._perf_stats: PerfStats = perf_stats self._is_running: bool = False if perf_stats.use_cuda_events(): self._cuda_event_intervals: List[Tuple[CudaEvent, CudaEvent]] = [] def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exception, traceback): self.stop() if exc_type is None: # Only record timer value if with-context finished without error self.record() return False # re-raise if there was exception
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the recording if the perfTimer should not be skipped or if the recording is not already in progress. If using cuda, we record time of cuda events as well. """ if self.skip or self._is_running: return self._last_interval = 0.0 self._is_running = True self._start_time: float = perf_counter() if self._perf_stats.use_cuda_events(): self._start_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) self._start_event.record()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the recording and update the recording interaval, total time elapsed from the beginning of perfTimer recording. If using CUDA, we measure time for cuda events and append to cuda interval. """ if self.skip or not self._is_running: return self._last_interval = perf_counter() - self._start_time self.elapsed += self._last_interval if self._perf_stats.use_cuda_events(): # Two cuda events will measure real GPU time within PerfTimer scope: end_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) end_event.record() self._cuda_event_intervals.append((self._start_event, end_event)) self._is_running = False
[docs] def record(self): """ Update the timer. We should only do this if the timer is Not skipped and also if the timer has already been stopped. """ if self.skip: return assert not self._is_running self._perf_stats.update_with_timer(self)
[docs]class PerfMetric: """ Encapsulates numerical tracking of a single metric, with a `.update(value)` API. Under-the-hood this can additionally keep track of sums, (exp.) moving averages, sum of squares (e.g. for stdev), filtered values, etc. """ # Coefficient for exponential moving average (EMA). # Value of 0.1 means last 8 values account for ~50% of weight. EMA_FACTOR = 0.1 def __init__(self): self.last_value: Optional[float] = None self.smoothed_value: Optional[float] = None self.sum_values: float = 0.0 self.num_updates: int = 0
[docs] def update(self, value: float): self.last_value = value if self.smoothed_value is None: self.smoothed_value = value else: # TODO (T47970762): correct for initialization bias self.smoothed_value = ( PerfMetric.EMA_FACTOR * value + (1.0 - PerfMetric.EMA_FACTOR) * self.smoothed_value ) self.sum_values += value self.num_updates += 1
[docs] def get_avg(self): """ Get the mean value of the metrics recorded. """ if self.num_updates == 0: return 0.0 else: return self.sum_values / self.num_updates
[docs]class PerfStats: """ Accumulate stats (from timers) over many iterations """ MAX_PENDING_TIMERS = 1000 def __init__(self, use_cuda_events=True): self._host_stats: Mapping[str, PerfMetric] = defaultdict(PerfMetric) self._cuda_stats: Mapping[str, PerfMetric] = defaultdict(PerfMetric) if use_cuda_events: if torch.cuda.is_available(): self._cuda_pending_timers = deque(maxlen=PerfStats.MAX_PENDING_TIMERS) else: logging.warning("CUDA unavailable: CUDA events are not logged.") self._cuda_pending_timers = None else: self._cuda_pending_timers = None
[docs] def update_with_timer(self, timer: PerfTimer): self._host_stats[].update(timer._last_interval) if self.use_cuda_events(): if len(self._cuda_pending_timers) >= self._cuda_pending_timers.maxlen: logging.error( "Too many pending timers. CudaEvent-based stats will be inaccurate!" ) else: self._cuda_pending_timers.append(timer) self._process_cuda_events()
def _process_cuda_events(self): """ Service pending timers. Dequeue timers and aggregate Cuda time intervals, until the first "pending" timer (i.e. dependent on a not-yet-ready cuda event). """ while len(self._cuda_pending_timers) > 0: timer = self._cuda_pending_timers[0] elapsed_cuda = 0.0 for ev_start, ev_end in timer._cuda_event_intervals: if not ev_start.query() or not ev_end.query(): # Cuda events associated with this timer aren't ready yet, # stop servicing the queue. return # Use seconds (instead of ms) for consistency with "host" timers elapsed_cuda += ev_start.elapsed_time(ev_end) / 1000.0 # All time intervals for this timer are now accounted for. # Aggregate stats and pop from pending queue. self._cuda_stats[].update(elapsed_cuda) self._cuda_pending_timers.popleft()
[docs] def report_str(self): """ Fancy column-aligned human-readable report. If using Cuda events, calling this invokes cuda.synchronize(), which is needed to capture pending Cuda work in the report. """ if self.use_cuda_events(): torch.cuda.synchronize() self._process_cuda_events() name_width = max(len(k) for k in self._host_stats.keys()) header = ("{:>" + str(name_width + 4) + "s} {:>7s} {:>7s}").format( "Timer", "Host", "CudaEvent" ) row_fmt = "{:>" + str(name_width + 4) + "s}: {:>7.2f} ms {:>7.2f} ms" rows = [] rows.append(header) for name, metric in self._host_stats.items(): rows.append( row_fmt.format( name, metric.get_avg() * 1000.0, self._cuda_stats[name].get_avg() * 1000.0, ) ) return "\n".join(rows)
[docs] def use_cuda_events(self): return torch.cuda.is_available() and self._cuda_pending_timers is not None
def __str__(self): return str((self._host_stats, self._cuda_stats))