vissl.utils package

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.data_util module

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.evaluate module

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.evaluate.score_ap_from_ranks_1(ranks, nres)[source]

Compute the average precision of one search.

  • ranks – ordered list of ranks of true positives

  • nres – total number of positives in dataset


ap (float) – the average precision following the Holidays and the INSTRE package

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.evaluate.compute_ap(ranks, nres)[source]

Computes average precision for given ranked indexes.

  • ranks – zero-based ranks of positive images

  • nres – number of positive images


ap (float) – average precision

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.evaluate.compute_map(ranks, gnd, kappas)[source]

Computes the mAP for a given set of returned results.


map = compute_map (ranks, gnd)

computes mean average precsion (map) only

map, aps, pr, prs = compute_map (ranks, gnd, kappas)
-> computes mean average precision (map), average precision (aps) for

each query

-> computes mean precision at kappas (pr), precision at kappas (prs) for

each query

Notes: 1) ranks starts from 0, ranks.shape = db_size X #queries 2) The junk results (e.g., the query itself) should be declared in the gnd

stuct array

  1. If there are no positive images for some query, that query is excluded from the evaluation

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.pca module

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.rmac module

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.rmac.normalize_L2(a, dim)[source]

L2 normalize the input tensor along the specified dimension

  • a (torch.Tensor) – the tensor to normalize

  • dim (int) – along which dimension to L2 normalize


a (torch.Tensor) – L2 normalized tensor

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.rmac.get_rmac_region_coordinates(H, W, L)[source]

Almost verbatim from Tolias et al Matlab implementation. Could be heavily pythonized, but really not worth it… Desired overlap of neighboring regions

vissl.utils.instance_retrieval_utils.rmac.get_rmac_descriptors(features, rmac_levels, pca=None, normalize=True)[source]

RMAC descriptors. Coordinates are retrieved following Tolias et al. L2 normalize the descriptors and optionally apply PCA on the descriptors if specified by the user. After PCA, aggregate the descriptors (sum) and normalize the aggregated descriptor and return.

vissl.utils.svm_utils.evaluate module

vissl.utils.svm_utils.evaluate.calculate_ap(rec, prec)[source]

Computes the AP under the precision recall curve.

vissl.utils.svm_utils.evaluate.get_precision_recall(targets, scores, weights=None)[source]

[P, R, score, ap] = get_precision_recall(targets, scores, weights)

  • targets – number of occurrences of this class in the ith image

  • scores – score for this image

  • weights – 0 or 1 whether where 0 means we should ignore the sample


P, R – precision and recall score: score which corresponds to the particular precision and recall ap: average precision

vissl.utils.svm_utils.svm_trainer module

vissl.utils.svm_utils.svm_low_shot_trainer module

vissl.utils.activation_checkpointing module

This module centralizes all activation checkpointing related code. It is a work-in-progress as we evolve the APIs and eventually put this in fairscale so that multiple projects can potentially share it.

vissl.utils.activation_checkpointing.manual_gradient_reduction(model: torch.nn.modules.module.Module, config_flag: bool)bool[source]

Return if we should use manual gradient reduction or not.

We should use manual DDP if config says so and model is wrapped by DDP.

vissl.utils.activation_checkpointing.manual_sync_params(model: torch.nn.parallel.distributed.DistributedDataParallel)None[source]

Manually sync params and buffers for DDP.

vissl.utils.activation_checkpointing.manual_gradient_all_reduce(model: torch.nn.parallel.distributed.DistributedDataParallel)None[source]

Gradient reduction function used after backward is done.

vissl.utils.activation_checkpointing.layer_splittable_before(m: torch.nn.modules.module.Module)bool[source]

Return if this module can be split in front of it for checkpointing. We don’t split the relu module.

vissl.utils.activation_checkpointing.checkpoint_trunk(feature_blocks: Dict[str, torch.nn.modules.module.Module], unique_out_feat_keys: List[str], checkpointing_splits: int) → Dict[str, torch.nn.modules.module.Module][source]

Checkpoint a list of blocks and return back the split version.

vissl.utils.checkpoint module

vissl.utils.collect_env module


Collect information about user system including cuda, torch, gpus, vissl and its dependencies. Users are strongly recommended to run this script to collect information about information if they needed debugging help.

vissl.utils.env module

vissl.utils.env.set_env_vars(local_rank: int, node_id: int, cfg: vissl.config.attr_dict.AttrDict)[source]

Set some environment variables like total number of gpus used in training, distributed rank and local rank of the current gpu, whether to print the nccl debugging info and tuning nccl settings.


Registering the right options for the g_pathmgr: Override this function in your build system to support different distributed file system


Print information about user system environment where VISSL is running.


Get the distributed and local rank of the current gpu.

vissl.utils.hydra_config module module

vissl.utils.logger module

vissl.utils.misc module

vissl.utils.perf_stats module

class vissl.utils.perf_stats.PerfTimer(timer_name: str, perf_stats: Optional[PerfStats])[source]

Bases: object

Very simple timing wrapper, with context manager wrapping. Typical usage:

with PerfTimer(‘forward_pass’, perf_stats):


# … with PerfTimer(‘backward_pass’, perf_stats):


# … print(perf_stats.report_str())

Note that timer stats accumulate by name, so you can as if resume them by re-using the name.

You can also use it without context manager, i.e. via start() / stop() directly.

If supplied PerfStats is constructed with use_cuda_events=True (which is default), then Cuda events will be added to correctly track time of async execution of Cuda kernels:

with PerfTimer(‘foobar’, perf_stats):

some_cpu_work() schedule_some_cuda_work()

In example above, the “Host” column will capture elapsed time from the perspective of the Python process, and “CudaEvent” column will capture elapsed time between scheduling of Cuda work (within the PerfTimer scope) and completion of this work, some of which might happen outside the PerfTimer scope.

If perf_stats is None, using PerfTimer does nothing.


Start the recording if the perfTimer should not be skipped or if the recording is not already in progress. If using cuda, we record time of cuda events as well.


Stop the recording and update the recording interaval, total time elapsed from the beginning of perfTimer recording. If using CUDA, we measure time for cuda events and append to cuda interval.


Update the timer. We should only do this if the timer is Not skipped and also if the timer has already been stopped.

class vissl.utils.perf_stats.PerfMetric[source]

Bases: object

Encapsulates numerical tracking of a single metric, with a .update(value) API. Under-the-hood this can additionally keep track of sums, (exp.) moving averages, sum of squares (e.g. for stdev), filtered values, etc.

update(value: float)[source]

Get the mean value of the metrics recorded.

class vissl.utils.perf_stats.PerfStats(use_cuda_events=True)[source]

Bases: object

Accumulate stats (from timers) over many iterations

update_with_timer(timer: vissl.utils.perf_stats.PerfTimer)[source]

Fancy column-aligned human-readable report. If using Cuda events, calling this invokes cuda.synchronize(), which is needed to capture pending Cuda work in the report.


vissl.utils.slurm module

vissl.utils.slurm.get_node_id(node_id: int)[source]

If using SLURM, we get environment variables like SLURMD_NODENAME, SLURM_NODEID to get information about the current node. Useful to set the node_id automatically.

vissl.utils.slurm.get_slurm_dir(input_dir: str)[source]

If using SLURM, we use the environment variable “SLURM_JOBID” to uniquely identify the current training and append the id to the input directory. This could be used to store any training artifacts specific to this training run.


Indicates if submitit, the library around SLURM used to run distributed training, is available.

vissl.utils.tensorboard module