Add new Data Source

VISSL supports data loading from disk_folder, disk_filelist or torchvision_dataset as default data sources. If your dataset lives in a custom data storage solution instead, you can extend VISSL to work with your data storage in several different ways:

  • Exporting the content of the non supported datasource as disk_filelist

  • Exporting the content of the non supported datasource as disk_folder

  • Implementing a new type of data source inside VISSL

Each of these options is developed below.

Transforming to a disk_filelist format

Out of the box, VISSL supports any dataset following the disk_filelist format:



The name and number of partitions may differ: you can for instance create 3 different partitions for train/val/test.

The *_images.npy files should contain the path to the images, one path for each sample, while the *_labels.npy files should contain the corresponding labels. There are two formats supported for the labels: either integers (from 0 to N-1 for N classes) or strings.

Once a disk_filelist dataset is made available at path /path/to/dataset, plugging the dataset in the library is a simple two step process:

  1. add the paths to the “dataset_catalog.json” registry of dataset

"my_dataset_filelist": {
    "train": ["/path/to/dataset/train_images.npy", "/path/to/dataset/train_labels.npy"],
    "val": ["/path/to/dataset/val_images.npy", "/path/to/dataset/val_labels.npy"],
  1. reference the new dataset in a configuration file:

      DATA_SOURCES: [disk_filelist]
      LABEL_SOURCES: [disk_filelist]
      DATASET_NAMES: [my_dataset_filelist]
      DATA_SOURCES: [disk_filelist]
      LABEL_SOURCES: [disk_filelist]
      DATASET_NAMES: [my_dataset_filelist]

Some examples of scripts transforming existing data sources to the disk_filelist format can be found in the extra_script folder. For example, creates a new classification dataset from the CLEVR dataset, in which the goal is to count the number of object in the scene.

Please refer to the documentation available here to get more information all the available data preparation scripts.

Transforming to a disk_folder format

Out of the box, VISSL also supports any dataset following the disk_folder format:


This format requires to copy the images, which might take more disk space than the disk_filelist format, but is nevertheless the best option in many cases.

In particular, if the original dataset does not allow us to reference image paths (it might be a video dataset or a custom binary format), the disk_filelist is not an option anymore and disk_folder might be the best option.

Once a disk_folder dataset is made available at path /path/to/dataset, plugging the dataset in the library is a simple two step process:

  1. add the paths to the “dataset_catalog.json” registry of dataset

"my_dataset_folder": {
    "train": ["/path/to/dataset/train", "<ignored>"],
    "val": ["/path/to/dataset/val", "<ignored>"]
  1. reference the new dataset in a configuration file:

      DATA_SOURCES: [disk_folder]
      LABEL_SOURCES: [disk_folder]
      DATASET_NAMES: [my_dataset_folder]
      DATA_SOURCES: [disk_folder]
      LABEL_SOURCES: [disk_folder]
      DATASET_NAMES: [my_dataset_folder]

Some examples of scripts transforming existing data sources to the disk_folder format can be found in the extra_script folder. For example, creates an image action recognition dataset from the video action recognition dataset UCF101 by extracting the middle frame of each video.

Please refer to the documentation available here to get more information all the available data preparation scripts.

Adding a new type of data source

If instead, you want to use a custom data storage solution my_data_source instead of disk_folder, you can extend VISSL to work with the my_data_source data storage by following the steps below:

  • Step1: Implement your custom data source under vissl/data/ following the template:

from import get_mean_image
from import Dataset

class MyNewSourceDataset(Dataset):
    add documentation on how this dataset works

        add docstrings for the parameters

    def __init__(self, cfg, data_source, path, split, dataset_name):
        super(MyNewSourceDataset, self).__init__()
        assert data_source in [
        ], "data_source must be either disk_filelist or disk_folder or my_data_source"
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.split = split
        self.dataset_name = dataset_name
        self.data_source = data_source
        self._path = path
        # implement anything that data source init should do
        self._num_samples = ?? # set the length of the dataset

    def num_samples(self):
        Size of the dataset
        return self._num_samples

    def __len__(self):
        Size of the dataset
        return self.num_samples()

    def __getitem__(self, idx: int):
        implement how to load the data corresponding to idx element in the dataset
        from your data source

        # is_success should be True or False indicating whether loading data was successful or failed
        # loaded data should be Image.Image if image data
        return loaded_data, is_success
  • Step2: Register the new data source with VISSL. Extend the DATASET_SOURCE_MAP dict in vissl/data/

    "disk_filelist": DiskImageDataset,
    "disk_folder": DiskImageDataset,
    "torchvision_dataset": TorchvisionDataset,
    "synthetic": SyntheticImageDataset,
    "my_data_source": MyNewSourceDataset,
  • Step3: Register the name of the datasets you plan to load using the new data source. There are 2 ways to do this:

    • See our documentation on Using dataset_catalog.json to update the configs/dataset_catalog.json file.

    • Insert a python call following:

      # insert the following call in your python code
      from import VisslDatasetCatalog
      VisslDatasetCatalog.register_data(name="my_dataset_name", data_dict={"train": ... , "test": ...})
  • Step4: Test using your dataset

    DATA_SOURCES: [my_data_source]
    DATASET_NAMES: [my_dataset_name]