Add new Data Transforms

Adding new transforms and using them is quite easy in VISSL. Follow the steps below:

  • Step1: Create your transform under vissl/data/ssl_transforms/ The transform should follow the template:

class MyNewTransform(ClassyTransform):
    add documentation for what your transform does

    def __init__(self, param1, param2, ...):
            param1: add doctring
            param2: add doctring
        self.param1 = param1
        self.param2 = param2
        # implement anything that the transform init should do

    # the input image should either be Image.Image PIL instance or torch.Tensor
    def __call__(self, image: {Image.Image or torch.Tensor}):
        # implement the transformation logic code.
        return img

    def from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> "MyNewTransform":
        Instantiates MyNewTransform from configuration.

            config (Dict): arguments for for the transform

            MyNewTransform instance.
        param1 = config.param1
        param2 = config.param2
        return cls(param1=param1, param2=param2, ...)
  • Step2: Use your transform in the config file by editing the DATA.TRAIN.TRANSFORMS value:

    - name: MyNewTransform
      param1: value1
      param2: value2