Compatibility with Other Libraries

  • VISSL provides several helpful scripts to convert VISSL models to models that are compatible with other libraries like Detectron2 and ClassyVision compatible models.

  • VISSL also provides scripts to convert models from other sources like Caffe2 models in the paper to VISSL compatible models.

  • TorchVision models are directly compatible with VISSL and don’t require any conversion.

Converting Models VISSL -> {Detectron2, ClassyVision, TorchVision}

We provide scripts to convert VISSL models to Detectron2 and ClassyVision compatible models.

Converting to Detectron2

All the ResNe(X)t models in VISSL can be converted to Detectron2 weights using following command:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --input_model_file <input_model>.pth  \
    --output_model <d2_model>.torch \
    --weights_type torch \
    --state_dict_key_name classy_state_dict

Converting to ClassyVision

All the ResNe(X)t models in VISSL can be converted to Detectron2 weights using following command:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --input_model_file <input_model>.pth  \
    --output_model <d2_model>.torch \
    --state_dict_key_name classy_state_dict

Converting to TorchVision

All the ResNe(X)t models in VISSL can be converted to Torchvision weights using following command:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --model_url_or_file <input_model>.pth  \
    --output_dir /path/to/output/dir/ \
    --output_name <my_converted_model>.torch

Converting Caffe2 models -> VISSL

We provide conversion of all the Caffe2 models in the paper.

ResNet-50 models to VISSL

  • Jigsaw model:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --c2_model <model>.pkl \
    --output_model <pth_model>.torch \
    --jigsaw True --bgr2rgb True
  • Colorization model:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --c2_model <model>.pkl \
    --output_model <pth_model>.torch \
    --bgr2rgb False
  • Supervised model:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --c2_model <model>.pkl \
    --output_model <pth_model>.torch \
    --bgr2rgb True

AlexNet models to VISSL

  • AlexNet Jigsaw models:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --weights_type caffe2 \
    --model_name jigsaw \
    --bgr2rgb True \
    --input_model_weights <model.pkl> \
    --output_model <pth_model>.torch
  • AlexNet Colorization models:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --weights_type caffe2 \
    --model_name colorization \
    --input_model_weights <model.pkl> \
    --output_model <pth_model>.torch
  • AlexNet Supervised models:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --weights_type caffe2 \
    --model_name supervised \
    --bgr2rgb True \
    --input_model_weights <model.pkl> \
    --output_model <pth_model>.torch

Converting Models ClassyVision -> VISSL

We provide scripts to convert ClassyVision models to VISSL compatible models.

python extra_scripts/ \
    --input_model_file <input_model>.pth  \
    --output_model <d2_model>.torch \
    --depth 50

Converting Official RotNet and DeepCluster models -> VISSL

  • AlexNet RotNet model:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --weights_type torch \
    --model_name rotnet \
    --input_model_weights <model> \
    --output_model <pth_model>.torch
  • AlexNet DeepCluster model:

python extra_scripts/ \
    --weights_type torch \
    --model_name deepcluster \
    --input_model_weights <model> \
    --output_model <pth_model>.torch