Benchmark: Nearest Neighbor k-means

VISSL supports Nearest Neighbor evaluation task using k-means. We closely follow the benchmark setup from Zhirong Wu et al. For the Nearest neighbor evaluation, the process involves 2 steps:

  • Step1: Extract the relevant features from the model for both training and validation set.

  • Step2: Perform k-means clustering and evaluation on these features

VISSL provides a dedicated tool tools/ that performs both Step-1 and Step-2 above.


To run the benchmark, we recommend using the standard set of hyperparams provided by VISSL as these hyperparams reproduce results of large number of self-supervised approaches. Users are however free to modify the hyperparams to suit their evaluation criterion.

Eval Config settings using MLP head

Set the following in the config file to enable the feature evaluation properly.

kNN on many layers of the trunk

For the Step1, if we want to extract features from many layers of the trunk, the config setting should look like below. For example for a ResNet-50 model:

    EVAL_MODE_ON: True
    FREEZE_TRUNK_ONLY: True  # only freeze the trunk
    EXTRACT_TRUNK_FEATURES_ONLY: True   # we extract features from the trunk only
    SHOULD_FLATTEN_FEATS: False   # don't flatten the features and return as is
      ["res4", ["AvgPool2d", [[8, 8], 3, 0]]],
      ["res5", ["AvgPool2d", [[6, 6], 1, 0]]],
    NAME: resnet
        DEPTH: 50

kNN on the trunk output

If we want to perform kNN only on the trunk output, the configuration setting should look like below. For example, for a ResNet-50 model:

    EVAL_MODE_ON: True
    FREEZE_TRUNK_ONLY: True  # only freeze the trunk
    EXTRACT_TRUNK_FEATURES_ONLY: True   # we extract features from the trunk only
    SHOULD_FLATTEN_FEATS: False   # don't flatten the features and return as is
    NAME: resnet
        DEPTH: 50

kNN on the model head output (self-supervised head)

For a given self-supervised approach, we want to perform kNN on the output of the model head. This is very common where the model head is a projection head and projects the trunk features into a low-dimensional space. The config settings should look like below. The example below is for SimCLR head + ResNet-50. Users can replace the MODEL.HEAD.PARAMS with the head settings used in the respective self-supervised model training.

    EVAL_MODE_ON: True
    FREEZE_TRUNK_AND_HEAD: True   # both head and trunk will be frozen (including BN in eval mode)
    EVAL_TRUNK_AND_HEAD: True     # initialized the model head as well from weights
    NAME: resnet
        DEPTH: 50
    # SimCLR 2-layer model head structure
    PARAMS: [
      ["mlp", {"dims": [2048, 2048], "use_relu": True}],
      ["mlp", {"dims": [2048, 128]}],

Benchmark: ImageNet-1k

VISSL provides configuration settings for the benchmark here.

To run the benchmark:

python tools/ config=benchmark/nearest_neighbor/eval_resnet_8gpu_in1k_kNN \

Benchmark: Places205

VISSL provides configuration settings for the benchmark here.

To run the benchmark:

python tools/ config=benchmark/nearest_neighbor/eval_resnet_8gpu_places205_kNN \


Please see VISSL documentation on how to run a given training on 1-gpu, multi-gpu or multi-machine.


Please see VISSL documentation on how to use the builtin datasets.


Please see VISSL documentation on how to use YAML comfiguration system in VISSL to override specific components like model of a config file. For example, in the above file, user can replace ResNet-50 model with a different architecture like RegNetY-256 etc. easily.