Add new Optimizers

VISSL makes it easy to add new optimizers. VISSL depends on ClassyVision .

Follow the steps below to add a new optimizer to VISSL.

  • Step1: Create your new optimizer my_new_optimizer under vissl/optimizers/ following the template:

from classy_vision.optim import ClassyOptimizer, register_optimizer

class MyNewOptimizer(ClassyOptimizer):
    Add documentation on how the optimizer optimizes and also
    link to any papers or techincal reports that propose/use the
    the optimizer (if applicable)
    def __init__(self, param1, param2, ...):
        # implement what the optimizer init should do and what variable it should store

    def prepare(self, param_groups):
        Prepares the optimizer for training.

        Deriving classes should initialize the underlying PyTorch
        :class:`torch.optim.Optimizer` in this call. The param_groups argument
        follows the same format supported by PyTorch (list of parameters, or
        list of param group dictionaries).

            This should called only after the model has been moved to the correct
            device (gpu or cpu).

    def from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> "SGD":
        Instantiates a MyNewOptimizer from a configuration.

            config: A configuration for a MyNewOptimizer.
                See :func:`__init__` for parameters expected in the config.

            A MyNewOptimizer instance.
  • Step2: Enable the automatic import of all the modules. Add the following lines of code to vissl/optimizers/ Skip this step if already exists.

from pathlib import Path
from classy_vision.generic.registry_utils import import_all_modules

FILE_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent

# automatically import any Python files in the optimizers/ directory
import_all_modules(FILE_ROOT, "vissl.optimizers")
  • Step3: Enable the registry of the new optimizers in VISSL. Add the following line to vissl/trainer/ Skip this step if already exists.

import vissl.optimizers # NOQA
  • Step4: The optimizer is now ready to use. Set the configuration param and set the values of the params this optimizer takes.

Add new LR schedulers

VISSL allows adding new Learning rate schedulers easily. Follow the steps below:

  • Step1: Create a class for your my_new_lr_scheduler under vissl/optimizers/param_scheduler/ following the template:

from classy_vision.optim.param_scheduler import (

class MyNewLRScheduler(ClassyParamScheduler):
    Add documentation on how the LR schedulers works and also
    link to any papers or techincal reports that propose/use the
    the scheduler (if applicable)

        document all the inputs that the scheduler takes

        show one example of how to use the lr scheduler

    def __init__(
        self, param1, param2, ... , update_interval: UpdateInterval = UpdateInterval.STEP


        # implement what the init of LR scheduler should do, any variables
        # to initialize etc.

    def from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> "MyNewLRScheduler":
        Instantiates a MyNewLRScheduler from a configuration.

            config: A configuration for a MyNewLRScheduler.
                See :func:`__init__` for parameters expected in the config.

            A MyNewLRScheduler instance.
        return cls(param1=config.param1, param2=config.param2, ...)

    def __call__(self, where: float):
        # implement what the LR value should be give the `where' which indicates
        # how far the training is. `where' values are [0, 1)

        return lr_value
  • Step2: The new LR scheduler is ready to use. Give it a try by setting configuration param