Add new Hooks

Hooks are the helper functions that can be executed at several parts of a training process as described below:

  • on_start: These hooks are executed before the training starts.

  • on_phase_start: executed at the beginning of every epoch (including test, train epochs)

  • on_forward: executed after every forward pass

  • on_loss_and_meter: executed after loss and meters are calculateds

  • on_backward: executed after every backward pass of the model

  • on_update: executed after model parameters are updated by the optimizer

  • on_step: executed after one single training (or test) iteration finishes

  • on_phase_end: executed after the epoch (train or test) finishes

  • on_end: executed at the very end of training.

Hooks are executed by inserting task.run_hooks(SSLClassyHookFunctions.<type>.name) at several steps of the training.

Users can add new hooks by following the steps below:

  • Step1: Create your new hook in vissl/hooks/ following the template.

from classy_vision.hooks.classy_hook import ClassyHook

class MyAwesomeNewHook(ClassyHook):
    Logs the number of paramaters, forward pass FLOPs and activations of the model.
    Adapted from:    # NOQA

    # define all the functions that your hook should execute. If the hook
    # executes nothing for a particular function, mark it as a noop.
    # Example: if the hook only does something for `on_start', then set:
    #    on_phase_start = ClassyHook._noop
    #    on_forward = ClassyHook._noop
    #    on_loss_and_meter = ClassyHook._noop
    #    on_backward = ClassyHook._noop
    #    on_update = ClassyHook._noop
    #    on_step = ClassyHook._noop
    #    on_phase_end = ClassyHook._noop
    #    on_end = ClassyHook._noop

    def on_start(self, task: "tasks.ClassyTask") -> None:
        # implement what your hook should execute at the beginning of training

    def on_phase_start(self, task: "tasks.ClassyTask") -> None:
        # implement what your hook should execute at the beginning of each epoch
        # (training or test epoch). Use `task.train' boolean to detect if the current
        # epoch is train or test

    def on_forward(self, task: "tasks.ClassyTask") -> None:
        # implement what your hook should execute after the model forward pass is done
        # should handle the train or test phase.
        # Use `task.train' boolean to detect if the current epoch is train or test

    def on_loss_and_meter(self, task: "tasks.ClassyTask") -> None:
        # implement what your hook should execute after the loss and meters are
        # calculated

    def on_backward(self, task: "tasks.ClassyTask") -> None:
        # implement what your hook should execute after backward pass is done. Note
        # that the model parameters are not yet updated

    def on_update(self, task: "tasks.ClassyTask") -> None:
        # implement what your hook should execute after the model parameters are updated
        # by the optimizer following LR and weight decay

    def on_step(self, task: "tasks.ClassyTask") -> None:
        # implement what your hook should execute after a training / test iteration
        # is done

    def on_phase_end(self, task: "tasks.ClassyTask") -> None:
        # implement what your hook should execute after a phase (train or test)
        # is done

    def on_end(self, task: "tasks.ClassyTask") -> None:
        # implement what your hook should execute at the end of training
        # (or testing, feature extraction)
  • Step2: Inform VISSL on how/when to use the hook in default_hook_generator method in vissl/hooks/ We recommend adding some configuration params like MONITOR_PERF_STATS in vissl/config/defaults.yaml so that you can set the usage of hook easily from the config file.

  • Step3: Test your hook is working by simply running a config file and setting the config parameters you added in Step2 above.