Source code for

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from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict

import torchvision.transforms as pth_transforms
from classy_vision.dataset.transforms import build_transform, register_transform
from classy_vision.dataset.transforms.classy_transform import ClassyTransform
from classy_vision.generic.registry_utils import import_all_modules

# Below the transforms that require passing the labels as well. This is specifc
# to SSL only where we automatically generate the labels for training. All other
# transforms (including torchvision) require passing image only as input.
_TRANSFORMS_WITH_LABELS = ["ImgRotatePil", "ShuffleImgPatches"]
_TRANSFORMS_WITH_GROUPING = ["ImgPilMultiCropRandomApply"]

# we wrap around transforms so that they work with the multimodal input
[docs]@register_transform("SSLTransformsWrapper") class SSLTransformsWrapper(ClassyTransform): """ VISSL wraps around transforms so that they work with the multimodal input. VISSL supports batches that come from several datasets and sources. Hence the input batch (images, labels) always is a list. To apply the user defined transforms, VISSL takes "indices" as input which defines on what dataset/source data in the sample should the transform be applied to. For example: Assuming input sample is { "data": [dataset1_imgX, dataset2_imgY], "label": [dataset1_lblX, dataset2_lblY] } and the transform is: TRANSFORMS: - name: RandomGrayscale p: 0.2 indices: 0 then the transform is applied only on dataset1_imgX. If however, the indices are either not specified or set to 0, 1 then the transform is applied on both dataset1_imgX and dataset2_imgY Since this structure of data is introduced by vissl, the SSLTransformsWrapper takes care of dealing with the multi-modality input by wrapping the original transforms (pytorch transforms or custom transforms defined by user) and calling each transform on each index. VISSL also supports _TRANSFORMS_WITH_LABELS transforms that modify the label or are used to generate the labels used in self-supervised learning tasks like Jigsaw. When the transforms in _TRANSFORMS_WITH_LABELS are called, the new label is also returned besides the transformed image. VISSL also supports the _TRANSFORMS_WITH_COPIES which are transforms that basically generate several copies of image. Common example of self-supervised training methods that do this is SimCLR, SwAV, MoCo etc When a transform from _TRANSFORMS_WITH_COPIES is used, the SSLTransformsWrapper will flatten the transform output. For example for the input [img1], if we apply ImgReplicatePil to replicate the image 2 times: SSLTransformsWrapper( ImgReplicatePil(num_times=2), [img1] ) will output [img1_1, img1_2] instead of nested list [[img1_1, img1_2]]. The benefit of this is that the next set of transforms specified by user can now operate on img1_1 and img1_2 as the input becomes multi-modal nature. VISSL also supports _TRANSFORMS_WITH_GROUPING which essentially means that a single transform should be applied on the full multi-modal input together instead of separately. This is common transform used in BYOL/ For example: SSLTransformsWrapper( ImgPilMultiCropRandomApply( RandomApply, prob=[0.0, 0.2] ), [img1_1, img1_2] ) this will apply RandomApply on img1_1 with prob=0.0 and on img1_2 with prob=0.2 """
[docs] def __init__(self, indices, **args): """ Args: indices (List[int]) (Optional): the indices list on which transform should be applied for the input which is always a list Example: minibatch of size=2 looks like [[img1], [img2]]). If indices is not specified, transform is applied to all the multi-modal input. args (dict): the arguments that the transform takes """ self.indices = set(indices) = args["name"] self.transform = build_transform(args)
def _is_transform_with_labels(self): """ _TRANSFORMS_WITH_LABELS = ["ImgRotatePil", "ShuffleImgPatches"] """ if in _TRANSFORMS_WITH_LABELS: return True return False def _is_transform_with_copies(self): """ _TRANSFORMS_WITH_COPIES = [ "ImgReplicatePil", "ImgPilToPatchesAndImage", "ImgPilToMultiCrop", ] """ if in _TRANSFORMS_WITH_COPIES: return True return False def _is_grouping_transform(self): """ _TRANSFORMS_WITH_GROUPING = ["ImgPilMultiCropRandomApply"] """ if in _TRANSFORMS_WITH_GROUPING: return True return False
[docs] def __call__(self, sample): """ Apply each transform on the specified indices of each entry in the input sample. """ # Run on all indices if empty set is passed. indices = self.indices if self.indices else set(range(len(sample["data"]))) if self._is_grouping_transform(): # if the transform needs to be applied to all the indices # together. For example: one might want to vary the intensity # of a transform across several crops of an image as in BYOL. output = self.transform(sample["data"]) sample["data"] = output else: for idx in indices: output = self.transform(sample["data"][idx]) if self._is_transform_with_labels(): sample["data"][idx] = output[0] sample["label"].append(output[1]) else: sample["data"][idx] = output if self._is_transform_with_copies(): # if the transform makes copies of the data, we just flatten the list # so the next set of transforms will operate on more indices sample["data"] = [val for sublist in sample["data"] for val in sublist] # now we replicate the rest of the metadata as well num_times = len(sample["data"]) sample["label"] = sample["label"] * num_times sample["data_valid"] = sample["data_valid"] * num_times sample["data_idx"] = sample["data_idx"] * num_times return sample
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> "SSLTransformsWrapper": indices = config.get("indices", []) return cls(indices, **config)
[docs]def get_transform(input_transforms_list): """ Given the list of user specified transforms, return the torchvision.transforms.Compose() version of the transforms. Each transform in the composition is SSLTransformsWrapper which wraps the original transforms to handle multi-modal nature of input. """ output_transforms = [] for transform_config in input_transforms_list: transform = SSLTransformsWrapper.from_config(transform_config) output_transforms.append(transform) return pth_transforms.Compose(output_transforms)
FILE_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent import_all_modules(FILE_ROOT, "") __all__ = ["SSLTransformsWrapper", "get_transform"]