Source code for vissl.engines.extract_features

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import logging

from vissl.trainer import SelfSupervisionTrainer
from vissl.utils.checkpoint import get_checkpoint_folder
from vissl.utils.collect_env import collect_env_info
from vissl.utils.env import get_machine_local_and_dist_rank, set_env_vars
from vissl.utils.hydra_config import AttrDict, print_cfg
from import save_file
from vissl.utils.logger import setup_logging, shutdown_logging
from vissl.utils.misc import set_seeds, setup_multiprocessing_method

[docs]def extract_main( cfg: AttrDict, dist_run_id: str, local_rank: int = 0, node_id: int = 0 ): """ Sets up and executes feature extraction workflow per machine. Args: cfg (AttrDict): user specified input config that has optimizer, loss, meters etc settings relevant to the training dist_run_id (str): For multi-gpu training with PyTorch, we have to specify how the gpus are going to rendezvous. This requires specifying the communication method: file, tcp and the unique rendezvous run_id that is specific to 1 run. We recommend: 1) for 1node: use init_method=tcp and run_id=auto 2) for multi-node, use init_method=tcp and specify run_id={master_node}:{port} local_rank (int): id of the current device on the machine. If using gpus, local_rank = gpu number on the current machine node_id (int): id of the current machine. starts from 0. valid for multi-gpu """ # setup logging setup_logging(__name__) # setup the environment variables set_env_vars(local_rank, node_id, cfg) # setup the multiprocessing to be forkserver. # See setup_multiprocessing_method(cfg.MULTI_PROCESSING_METHOD) # set seeds"Setting seed....") set_seeds(cfg) # print the training settings and system settings local_rank, _ = get_machine_local_and_dist_rank() if local_rank == 0: print_cfg(cfg)"System config:\n{}".format(collect_env_info())) output_dir = get_checkpoint_folder(cfg) trainer = SelfSupervisionTrainer(cfg, dist_run_id) features = trainer.extract() for split in features.keys():"============== Split: {split} =======================") layers = features[split].keys() for layer in layers: out_feat_file = ( f"{output_dir}/rank{local_rank}_{split}_{layer}_features.npy" ) out_target_file = ( f"{output_dir}/rank{local_rank}_{split}_{layer}_targets.npy" ) out_inds_file = f"{output_dir}/rank{local_rank}_{split}_{layer}_inds.npy" "Saving extracted features: {} {} to: {}".format( layer, features[split][layer]["features"].shape, out_feat_file ) ) save_file(features[split][layer]["features"], out_feat_file) "Saving extracted targets: {} to: {}".format( features[split][layer]["targets"].shape, out_target_file ) ) save_file(features[split][layer]["targets"], out_target_file) "Saving extracted indices: {} to: {}".format( features[split][layer]["inds"].shape, out_inds_file ) ) save_file(features[split][layer]["inds"], out_inds_file)"All Done!") # close the logging streams including the filehandlers shutdown_logging()