Source code for vissl.hooks.moco_hooks

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import logging

import torch
from classy_vision import tasks
from classy_vision.generic.distributed_util import is_distributed_training_run
from classy_vision.hooks.classy_hook import ClassyHook
from vissl.models import build_model
from vissl.utils.env import get_machine_local_and_dist_rank
from vissl.utils.misc import concat_all_gather

[docs]class MoCoHook(ClassyHook): """ This hook corresponds to the loss proposed in the "Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning" paper, from Kaiming He et al. See for details and for a reference implementation, reused here. Called after every forward pass to update the momentum encoder. At the beginning of training i.e. after 1st forward call, the encoder is contructed and updated. """ on_start = ClassyHook._noop on_phase_start = ClassyHook._noop on_loss_and_meter = ClassyHook._noop on_backward = ClassyHook._noop on_step = ClassyHook._noop on_phase_end = ClassyHook._noop on_end = ClassyHook._noop on_update = ClassyHook._noop def __init__(self, momentum: float, shuffle_batch: bool = True): super().__init__() self.momentum = momentum self.inv_momentum = 1.0 - momentum self.is_distributed = False self.shuffle_batch = shuffle_batch logging.warning("Batch shuffling: %s", self.shuffle_batch) def _build_moco_encoder(self, task: tasks.ClassyTask) -> None: """ Create the model replica called the encoder. This will slowly track the main model. """ # Create the encoder, which will slowly track the model "Building MoCo encoder - rank %s %s", *get_machine_local_and_dist_rank() ) # - same architecture task.loss.moco_encoder = build_model( task.config["MODEL"], task.config["OPTIMIZER"] ) # Restore an hypothetical checkpoint, else initialize from the model if task.loss.checkpoint is not None: task.loss.load_state_dict(task.loss.checkpoint) else: for param_q, param_k in zip( task.base_model.parameters(), task.loss.moco_encoder.parameters() ): param_k.requires_grad = False @torch.no_grad() def _update_momentum_encoder(self, task: tasks.ClassyTask) -> None: """ Momentum update of the key encoder: Each parameter becomes a weighted average of its old self and the newest encoder. """ # Momentum update for param_q, param_k in zip( task.base_model.parameters(), task.loss.moco_encoder.parameters() ): = ( * self.momentum + * self.inv_momentum ) @torch.no_grad() def _batch_shuffle_ddp(self, x, task: tasks.ClassyTask): """ Batch shuffle, for making use of BatchNorm. *** Only support DistributedDataParallel (DDP) model. *** """ # gather from all gpus batch_size_this = x.shape[0] x_gather = concat_all_gather(x) batch_size_all = x_gather.shape[0] num_gpus = batch_size_all // batch_size_this # random shuffle index if task.device.type == "cuda": idx_shuffle = torch.randperm(batch_size_all).cuda() else: idx_shuffle = torch.randperm(batch_size_all) # broadcast to all gpus torch.distributed.broadcast(idx_shuffle, src=0) # index for restoring idx_unshuffle = torch.argsort(idx_shuffle) # shuffled index for this gpu gpu_idx = torch.distributed.get_rank() idx_this = idx_shuffle.view(num_gpus, -1)[gpu_idx] return x_gather[idx_this], idx_unshuffle @torch.no_grad() def _batch_unshuffle_ddp(self, x, idx_unshuffle): """ Undo batch shuffle. *** Only support DistributedDataParallel (DDP) model. *** """ # gather from all gpus batch_size_this = x.shape[0] x_gather = concat_all_gather(x) batch_size_all = x_gather.shape[0] num_gpus = batch_size_all // batch_size_this # restored index for this gpu gpu_idx = torch.distributed.get_rank() idx_this = idx_unshuffle.view(num_gpus, -1)[gpu_idx] return x_gather[idx_this]
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def on_forward(self, task: tasks.ClassyTask) -> None: """ - Update the momentum encoder. - Compute the key reusing the updated moco-encoder. If we use the batch shuffling, the perform global shuffling of the batch and then run the moco encoder to compute the features. We unshuffle the computer features and use the features as "key" in computing the moco loss. """ # Update the momentum encoder if task.loss.moco_encoder is None: self._build_moco_encoder(task) self.is_distributed = is_distributed_training_run()"MoCo: Distributed setup, shuffling batches") else: self._update_momentum_encoder(task) # Compute key features. We do not backpropagate in this codepath im_k = task.last_batch.sample["data_momentum"][0] if self.is_distributed and self.shuffle_batch: # shuffle for making use of BN im_k, idx_unshuffle = self._batch_shuffle_ddp(im_k, task) k = task.loss.moco_encoder(im_k)[0] k = torch.nn.functional.normalize(k, dim=1) if self.is_distributed and self.shuffle_batch: # undo shuffle k = self._batch_unshuffle_ddp(k, idx_unshuffle) task.loss.key = k