Source code for vissl.optimizers.param_scheduler.inverse_sqrt_decay

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Any, Dict

from classy_vision.optim.param_scheduler import (

[docs]@register_param_scheduler("inverse_sqrt") class InverseSqrtScheduler(ClassyParamScheduler): """ Decay the LR based on the inverse square root of the update number. Example: .. code-block:: python start_value: 4.8 warmup_interval_length: 0.1 Corresponds to a inverse sqrt decay schedule with values in [4.8, 0] """ def __init__( self, start_value: float, warmup_interval_length: float, update_interval: UpdateInterval = UpdateInterval.STEP, ): super().__init__(update_interval=update_interval) self._start_value = start_value self.warmup_interval_length = warmup_interval_length self.decay_factor = self._start_value if self.warmup_interval_length > 0.0: self.decay_factor = self._start_value * self.warmup_interval_length ** 0.5
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> "InverseSqrtScheduler": """ Instantiates a InverseSqrtScheduler from a configuration. Args: config: A configuration for a InverseSqrtScheduler. See :func:`__init__` for parameters expected in the config. Returns: A InverseSqrtScheduler instance. """ assert "start_value" in config, "InverseSqrtScheduler requires a start_value" assert ( "warmup_interval_length" in config ), "InverseSqrtScheduler requires a warmup_interval_length" return cls( start_value=config["start_value"], warmup_interval_length=config["warmup_interval_length"], update_interval=UpdateInterval.from_config(config, UpdateInterval.STEP), )
def __call__(self, where: float): if where > 0.0: return self.decay_factor * (where ** -0.5) else: return self.decay_factor