Source code for vissl.trainer.trainer_main

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import gc
import logging
import os
import socket
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
from classy_vision.generic.distributed_util import (
from classy_vision.generic.util import copy_model_to_gpu
from classy_vision.hooks.classy_hook import ClassyHook
from classy_vision.tasks import ClassyTask, TASK_REGISTRY
from vissl.hooks import SSLClassyHookFunctions
from vissl.models.model_helpers import get_trunk_output_feature_names
from vissl.trainer.train_steps import get_train_step
from vissl.utils.env import get_machine_local_and_dist_rank
from vissl.utils.hydra_config import AttrDict

[docs]def build_task(config): """Builds a ClassyTask from a config. This assumes a 'name' key in the config which is used to determine what task class to instantiate. For instance, a config `{"name": "my_task", "foo": "bar"}` will find a class that was registered as "my_task" (see :func:`register_task`) and call .from_config on it.""" task = TASK_REGISTRY[config.TRAINER.TASK_NAME].from_config(config) return task
[docs]class SelfSupervisionTrainer(object): """ The main entry point for any training or feature extraction workflows in VISSL. The trainer constructs a train_task which prepares all the components of the training (optimizer, loss, meters, model etc) using the settings specified by user in the yaml config file. See the vissl/trainer/ for more details. Args: cfg (AttrDict): user specified input config that has optimizer, loss, meters etc settings relevant to the training dist_run_id (str): For multi-gpu training with PyTorch, we have to specify how the gpus are going to rendezvous. This requires specifying the communication method: file, tcp and the unique rendezvous run_id that is specific to 1 run. We recommend: 1) for 1node: use init_method=tcp and run_id=auto 2) for multi-node, use init_method=tcp and specify run_id={master_node}:{port} checkpoint_path (str): if the training is being resumed from a checkpoint, path to the checkpoint. The tools/ automatically looks for the checkpoint in the checkpoint directory. checkpoint_folder (str): what directory to use for checkpointing. The tools/ creates the directory based on user input in the yaml config file. hooks (List[ClassyHooks]): the list of hooks to use during the training. The hooks vissl/engines/{train, extract_features}.py determine the hooks. """ def __init__( self, cfg: AttrDict, dist_run_id: str, checkpoint_path: str = None, checkpoint_folder: str = None, hooks: List[ClassyHook] = None, ): self.cfg = cfg self.dist_run_id = dist_run_id # now we should build the task. The task will also have the State attached # to it. It will have information about phases (train, test) both. It will # also contain all the other information like optimizers, etc self.task = build_task(self.cfg) self.task.set_checkpoint_path(checkpoint_path) self.task.set_checkpoint_folder(checkpoint_folder) if hooks is None: hooks = [] self.task.set_hooks(hooks) self.local_rank, self.distributed_rank = get_machine_local_and_dist_rank() self.setup_distributed(self.task.device.type == "cuda")
[docs] def setup_distributed(self, use_gpu: bool): """ Setup the distributed training. VISSL support both GPU and CPU only training. (1) Initialize the torch.distributed.init_process_group if the distributed is not already initialized. The init_method, backend are specified by user in the yaml config file. See vissl/defaults.yaml file for description on how to set init_method, backend. (2) We also set the global cuda device index using torch.cuda.set_device or cpu device """ # we overwrite the distributed trainer setup here with our config options distributed_world_size = int(os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"]) assert distributed_world_size % self.cfg.DISTRIBUTED.NUM_NODES == 0 init_method = f"{self.cfg.DISTRIBUTED.INIT_METHOD}://{self.dist_run_id}" f"Using Distributed init method: {init_method}, " f"world_size: {distributed_world_size}, rank: {self.distributed_rank}" ) if not torch.distributed.is_initialized(): torch.distributed.init_process_group( backend=self.cfg.DISTRIBUTED.BACKEND, init_method=init_method, world_size=distributed_world_size, rank=self.distributed_rank, ) else: logging.warning( "Torch distributed has already been initialized, \ reusing existing configuration" ) "| initialized host {} as rank {} ({})".format( socket.gethostname(), self.distributed_rank, torch.distributed.get_rank(), ) ) if use_gpu: set_cuda_device_index(self.local_rank) else: set_cpu_device()
[docs] def train(self): """ The train workflow. We get the training loop to use (vissl default is standard_train_step) but the user can create their own training loop and specify the name TRAINER.TRAIN_STEP_NAME The training happens: 1. Execute any hooks at the start of training (mostly resets the variable like iteration num phase_num etc) 2. For each epoch (train or test), run the hooks at the start of an epoch. Mostly involves setting things like timer, setting dataloader epoch etc 3. Execute the training loop (1 training iteration) involving forward, loss, backward, optimizer update, metrics collection etc. 4. At the end of epoch, sync meters and execute hooks at the end of phase. Involves things like checkpointing model, logging timers, logging to tensorboard etc """ train_step_fn = get_train_step(self.cfg["TRAINER"]["TRAIN_STEP_NAME"]) self.task.prepare(pin_memory=self.cfg.DATA.PIN_MEMORY) self.task.init_distributed_data_parallel_model() # Find what phase, train_phase_idx, local_iteration_num we are starting from. # Recover it from the checkpoint (if available) task, phase_idx, iteration_num = self._init_training_state(self.cfg, self.task) # Good to go, (re) start training task.run_hooks( if is_primary():"Model is:\n {}".format(task.model))"Loss is: {}".format(task.loss))"Starting training....") while phase_idx + 1 < len(task.phases): self._advance_phase(task) # advances task.phase_idx phase_idx += 1 iteration_num += 1 task.local_iteration_num = iteration_num # iteration_num=0 at this step task.run_hooks( while True: try: if self.cfg.MODEL.CUDA_CACHE.CLEAR_CUDA_CACHE and ( iteration_num % self.cfg.MODEL.CUDA_CACHE.CLEAR_FREQ == 0 ): f"Emptying CUDA cache at step count: {iteration_num}" ) torch.cuda.empty_cache()"CUDA cache cleared") task = train_step_fn(task) iteration_num += 1 task.local_iteration_num = iteration_num task.run_hooks( except StopIteration: break for meter in task.meters: meter.sync_state()"Meters synced") barrier() task.run_hooks( task.run_hooks( if hasattr(task, "data_iterator"): del task.data_iterator gc.collect() if hasattr(task, "dataloaders"): del task.dataloaders gc.collect()
@staticmethod def _init_training_state(cfg, task: ClassyTask) -> Tuple[ClassyTask, int, int]: """ If a checkpoint is present, recover the current training status. If not initialize everything properly Args: task {ClassyTask}: object consisting of all components a training requires (meters, optimizers, model, loss etc.) Returns: task {ClassyTask}: updated task phase_idx {int}: phase index iteration_num: iteration number """ phase_idx, iteration_num = -1, -1 task.num_phases = len(task.phases) task.num_epochs = task.num_train_phases # Ensure that train loader exists. Will NOT exist if config.TEST_ONLY is True if "train" in task.dataloaders.keys(): loader_key = "train" else: loader_key = "test" task.max_iteration = task.num_epochs * len(task.dataloaders[loader_key]) if task.checkpoint is not None: phase_idx = task.checkpoint["phase_idx"] task.train_phase_idx = task.checkpoint["train_phase_idx"] task.local_iteration_num = task.checkpoint["iteration_num"] task.iteration = task.checkpoint["iteration"] else: task.iteration = 0 task.local_iteration_num = iteration_num num_iter_in_epoch = len(task.dataloaders[loader_key]) num_samples = task.dataloaders[loader_key].dataset.num_samples() task.start_time = time.time() task.batch_time = [] task.metrics = {} f"Training {task.num_epochs} epochs. One epoch = {num_iter_in_epoch} iterations" )"Total {task.max_iteration} iterations for training")"Total {num_samples} samples in one epoch") return task, phase_idx, task.local_iteration_num def _advance_phase(self, task: ClassyTask): """ Advance the training phase to the next phase. - Updates the phase number, - resets the meters, - reset losses, - recreates the data iterator and destroys previous iterator - set the model to be in train or eval phase depending on what phase we are in - execute any optimizer update (normally learning rate updates etc at the end of an epoch) """ # reset the meters at the beginning of the epoch for meter in task.meters: meter.reset() # reset the loss history for this epoch task.losses = [] # advance the epoch num to be current task.phase_idx += 1 phase = task.phases[task.phase_idx] task.train = True if phase["train"] else False if task.train: task.train_phase_idx += 1 # get a new data iterator - delete the iterator at the beginning explicitly # so that all dataloader processes are cleaned up phase_type = "train" if phase["train"] else "test" # we are advancing to next epoch, so no need to compute start_iter, # just let it to be 0 inside of recreate_data_iterator. However, if we are just # starting from the resumed training, we want to compute_start_iter # again (if applicable) since we recreate the data iterator and delete # the old ones. compute_start_iter = False if task.checkpoint is not None and task.checkpoint["train_phase_idx"] == ( task.train_phase_idx - 1 ): compute_start_iter = True task.recreate_data_iterator( phase_type, epoch=task.phase_idx, compute_start_iter=compute_start_iter ) # set the model to train or eval depending on what phase we are in task.model.train(phase["train"]) if task.train and task.train_phase_idx >= 0: task.optimizer.on_epoch(task.where) local_rank, _ = get_machine_local_and_dist_rank()"Phase advanced. Rank: {local_rank}")
[docs] def extract(self): """ Extract workflow supports multi-gpu feature extraction. Since we are only extracting features, only the model is built (and initialized from some model weights file if specified by user). The model is set to the eval mode fully. The features are extracted for whatever data splits (train, val, test) etc that user wants. """ # support feature extraction on gpu only. assert self.task.device.type == "cuda", "Set MACHINE.DEVICE = gpu" self.task.prepare_extraction(pin_memory=self.cfg.DATA.PIN_MEMORY) # in case of feature evaluation mode, if we are freezing both trunk and # head, DDP won't work as there are no parameters in the model. Adding # the dummy head will lead to features being not right. So we rather # add the dummy layer to the model and use DDP. We copy the model to # gpu (if using gpus) after the new dummy layer addition. fully_frozen_model = self.task.base_model.is_fully_frozen_model() if fully_frozen_model: self.task.base_model.dummy_layer = torch.nn.Linear(4, 4) if self.task.device.type == "cuda": self.task.base_model = copy_model_to_gpu(self.task.base_model) self.task.init_distributed_data_parallel_model() if is_primary():"Model is:\n {}".format(self.task.model)) # Get the names of the features that we are extracting. If user doesn't # specify the features to evaluate, we get the full model output and freeze # head/trunk both as caution. feat_names = get_trunk_output_feature_names(self.cfg.MODEL) if len(feat_names) == 0: feat_names = ["heads"] features = {} for split in self.task.available_splits:"Extracting features for partition: {split.lower()}") self.task.data_iterator = iter(self.task.dataloaders[split.lower()]) features[split.lower()] = self._get_split_features( feat_names, self.cfg, self.task )"Done getting features for partition: {split.lower()}") if hasattr(self.task, "data_iterator"): del self.task.data_iterator gc.collect() if hasattr(self.task, "dataloaders"): del self.task.dataloaders gc.collect() return features
def _flatten_features_list(self, features: Dict[str, Any]): assert isinstance(features, list), "features must be of type list" is_nested = isinstance(features[0], list) if is_nested: flat_features_list = [item for sublist in features for item in sublist] return flat_features_list return features def _get_split_features( self, feat_names: List[str], cfg: AttrDict, task: ClassyTask ): task.model.eval()"Model set to eval mode during feature extraction...") out_features, out_targets = {}, {} for layer in feat_names: out_features[layer], out_targets[layer] = {}, {} while True: try: sample = next(task.data_iterator) assert isinstance(sample, dict) assert "data_idx" in sample, "Indices not passed" input_sample = { "input":["data"]).cuda(non_blocking=True), "target":["label"]).cpu().numpy(), "inds":["data_idx"]).cpu().numpy(), } with torch.no_grad(): features = task.model(input_sample["input"]) flat_features_list = self._flatten_features_list(features) num_images = input_sample["inds"].shape[0] for num, layer in enumerate(feat_names): feature = flat_features_list[num].cpu().numpy() targets = input_sample["target"] for idx in range(num_images): index = input_sample["inds"][idx] if not (index in out_features[layer]): out_targets[layer][index] = targets[idx].reshape(-1) out_features[layer][index] = feature[idx] except StopIteration: break barrier() output = {} for layer in feat_names: out_features[layer] = dict(sorted(out_features[layer].items())) out_targets[layer] = dict(sorted(out_targets[layer].items())) feats = np.array(list(out_features[layer].values())) N = feats.shape[0] output[layer] = { "features": feats.reshape(N, -1), "targets": np.array(list(out_targets[layer].values())), "inds": np.array(list(out_features[layer].keys())), } return output