Source code for vissl.utils.checkpoint

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import torch
from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager
from vissl.utils.env import get_machine_local_and_dist_rank
from vissl.utils.hydra_config import AttrDict
from import makedir

[docs]def is_training_finished(cfg: AttrDict, checkpoint_folder: str): """ Given the checkpoint folder, we check that there's not already a final checkpoint If the final checkpoint exists but the user wants to override the final checkpoint then we mark training as not finished. Args: cfg (AttrDict): input config file specified by user and parsed by vissl checkpoint_folder (str): the directory where the checkpoints exist Returns: boolean whether training is finished or not. """ if not cfg["CHECKPOINT"]["OVERWRITE_EXISTING"] and has_final_checkpoint( checkpoint_folder ): return True
[docs]def get_checkpoint_folder(config: AttrDict): """ Check, create and return the checkpoint folder. User can specify their own checkpoint directory otherwise the default "." is used. Optionally, for training that involves more than 1 machine, we allow to append the distributed run id which helps to uniquely identify the training. This is completely optional and user can se APPEND_DISTR_RUN_ID=true for this. """ odir = config.CHECKPOINT.DIR if config.DISTRIBUTED.NUM_NODES > 1 and config.CHECKPOINT.APPEND_DISTR_RUN_ID: odir = f"{odir}/{config.DISTRIBUTED.RUN_ID}" makedir(odir) assert PathManager.exists( config.CHECKPOINT.DIR ), "Please specify config.CHECKPOINT.DIR parameter. It should not be None." return odir
[docs]def is_checkpoint_phase( mode_num: int, mode_frequency: int, train_phase_idx: int, num_epochs: int, mode: str ): """ Determines if a checkpoint should be saved on current epoch. If epoch=1, then we check whether to save at current iteration or not. Args: mode (str): what model we are checkpointing models at - every few iterations or at the end of every phase/epoch. The mode is encoded in the checkpoint filename. mode_num (int): what is the current iteration or epoch number that we are trying to checkpoint at. mode_frequency (int): checkpoint frequency - every N iterations or every N epochs/phase train_phase_idx (int): the current training phase we are in. Starts from 0 num_epochs (int): total number of epochs in training Returns: checkpointing_phase (bool): whether the model should be checkpointed or not """ if mode == "iteration": checkpointing_phase = (mode_num % mode_frequency) == 0 elif mode == "phase": checkpointing_phase = (mode_num % mode_frequency) == 0 or train_phase_idx == ( num_epochs - 1 ) return checkpointing_phase
[docs]def has_checkpoint(checkpoint_folder: str, skip_final: bool = False): """ Check whether there are any checkpoints at all in the checkpoint folder. Args: checkpoint_folder (str): path to the checkpoint folder skip_final (bool): if the checkpoint with `model_final_` prefix exist, whether to skip it and train. Returns: checkpoint_exists (bool): whether checkpoint exists or not """ checkpointed_files = checkpoint_exists = False for f in checkpointed_files: if f.endswith(".torch") and ("model_final" not in f or not skip_final): checkpoint_exists = True break return checkpoint_exists
[docs]def has_final_checkpoint( checkpoint_folder: str, final_checkpoint_pattern: str = "model_final" ): """ Check whether the final checkpoint exists in the checkpoint folder. The final checkpoint is recognized by the prefix "model_final_" in VISSL. Args: checkpoint_folder (str): path to the checkpoint folder. final_checkpoint_pattern (str): what prefix is used to save the final checkpoint. Returns: has_final_checkpoint: whether the final checkpoint exists or not """ checkpointed_files = torch_files = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".torch"), checkpointed_files) final_files = filter(lambda x: final_checkpoint_pattern in x, torch_files) return len(list(final_files)) > 0
[docs]def get_checkpoint_resume_files( checkpoint_folder: str, config: AttrDict, skip_final: bool = False, latest_checkpoint_resume_num: int = 1, ): """ Get the checkpoint file from which the model should be resumed. We look at all the checkpoints in the checkpoint_folder and if the final model checkpoint exists (starts with `model_final_`) and not overriding it, then return the final checkpoint. Otherwise find the latest checkpoint. Args: checkpoint_folder (str): path to the checkpoint folder. config (AttrDict): root config skip_final (bool): whether the final model checkpoint should be skipped or not latest_checkpoint_resume_num (int): what Nth latest checkpoint to resume from. Sometimes the latest checkpoints could be corrupt so this option helps to resume from instead a few checkpoints before the last checkpoint. """ all_files = all_iters = [] replace_prefix = "model_phase" # if we checkpoint at iterations too, we start from an iteration checkpoint # since that's latest than the phase end checkpoint. Sometimes, it's also # possible that there is no phase. if config.CHECKPOINT.CHECKPOINT_ITER_FREQUENCY > 0: replace_prefix = "model_iteration" for f in all_files: # if we have the finished training, we pick the finished training file # the checkpoint is saved as "model_final_checkpoint". Otherwise, we pick # the latest phase checkpoint if "model_final" in f and not skip_final: return f if replace_prefix in f: iter_num = int(f.replace(".torch", "").replace(replace_prefix, "")) all_iters.append(iter_num) # make sure the checkpoint resume number is in bounds checkpoint_resume_num = max(0, latest_checkpoint_resume_num - 1) # len(all_iters) - 1 is the last index, checkpoint_resume_num can't be beyond that. checkpoint_resume_num = min(len(all_iters) - 1, checkpoint_resume_num)"checkpoint_resume_num: {checkpoint_resume_num}") if len(all_iters) > 0: all_iters.sort(reverse=True) last_iter = int(all_iters[checkpoint_resume_num]) filename = f"{replace_prefix}{last_iter}.torch" return filename else: return None
[docs]def get_resume_checkpoint(cfg: AttrDict, checkpoint_folder: str): """ Return the checkpoint from which to resume traning. If no checkpoint found, return None. Resuming training is optional and user can set AUTO_RESUME=false to not resume the training. If we want to overwrite the existing final checkpoint, we ignore the final checkpoint and return the previous checkpoints if exist. """ # we check whether there's a checkpoint that already exists checkpoint_path = None # if we are overwriting the existing checkpoint, then skip_final=true in # `has_checkpoint` call checkpoints_exists = has_checkpoint( checkpoint_folder, skip_final=cfg["CHECKPOINT"]["OVERWRITE_EXISTING"] ) if checkpoints_exists and cfg["CHECKPOINT"]["AUTO_RESUME"]: checkpoint_file = get_checkpoint_resume_files( checkpoint_folder, cfg, skip_final=cfg["CHECKPOINT"]["OVERWRITE_EXISTING"], latest_checkpoint_resume_num=cfg["CHECKPOINT"][ "LATEST_CHECKPOINT_RESUME_FILE_NUM" ], ) checkpoint_path = f"{checkpoint_folder}/{checkpoint_file}""Resume from file: {checkpoint_path}") return checkpoint_path
[docs]def replace_module_prefix( state_dict: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str, replace_with: str = "" ): """ Remove prefixes in a state_dict needed when loading models that are not VISSL trained models. Specify the prefix in the keys that should be removed. """ state_dict = { (key.replace(prefix, replace_with, 1) if key.startswith(prefix) else key): val for (key, val) in state_dict.items() } return state_dict
[docs]def append_module_prefix(state_dict: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str): """ Append prefixes in a state_dict needed when loading models that are not VISSL trained models. In order to load the model (if not trained with VISSL) with VISSL, there are 2 scenarios: 1. If you are interested in evaluating the model features and freeze the trunk. Set APPEND_PREFIX="trunk.base_model." This assumes that your model is compatible with the VISSL trunks. The VISSL trunks start with "_feature_blocks." prefix. If your model doesn't have these prefix you can append them. For example: For TorchVision ResNet trunk, set APPEND_PREFIX="trunk.base_model._feature_blocks." 2. where you want to load the model simply and finetune the full model. Set APPEND_PREFIX="trunk." This assumes that your model is compatible with the VISSL trunks. The VISSL trunks start with "_feature_blocks." prefix. If your model doesn't have these prefix you can append them. For TorchVision ResNet trunk, set APPEND_PREFIX="trunk._feature_blocks." NOTE: the prefix is appended to all the layers in the model """ state_dict = {f"{prefix}{key}": val for (key, val) in state_dict.items()} return state_dict
[docs]def check_model_compatibilty(config: AttrDict, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]): """ Given a VISSL model and state_dict, check if the state_dict can be loaded to VISSL model (trunk + head) based on the trunk and head prefix that is expected. If not compatible, we raise exception. Prefix checked for head: `heads.` Prefix checked for trunk: `trunk._feature_blocks.` or `trunk.base_model._feature_blocks.` depending on the workflow type (training | evaluation). Args: config (AttrDict): root config state_dict (Dict[str, Any]): state dict that should be checked for compatibility """ from vissl.models import is_feature_extractor_model trunk_append_prefix, heads_append_prefix = "trunk._feature_blocks.", "heads." if is_feature_extractor_model(config.MODEL): trunk_append_prefix = "trunk.base_model._feature_blocks." is_compatible = True for layername in state_dict.keys(): if not ( layername.startswith(trunk_append_prefix) or layername.startswith(heads_append_prefix) ): is_compatible = False break if not is_compatible: raise Exception( "Model provided in config.MODEL.WEIGHTS_INIT.PARAMS_FILE is not compatible " "with VISSL. Please set config.MODEL.WEIGHTS_INIT.APPEND_PREFIX and " "config.MODEL.WEIGHTS_INIT.REMOVE_PREFIX for making model compatible. " f"Expected trunk prefix: {trunk_append_prefix}" )
[docs]def get_checkpoint_model_state_dict(config: AttrDict, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]): """ Given a specified pre-trained VISSL model (composed of head and trunk), we get the state_dict that can be loaded by appending prefixes to model and trunk. Args: config (AttrDict): full config file state_dict (Dict): raw state_dict loaded from the checkpoint or weights file Returns: state_dict (Dict): vissl state_dict with layer names matching compatible with vissl model. Hence this state_dict can be loaded directly. """ from vissl.models import is_feature_extractor_model classy_state_dict = state_dict["base_model"]["model"] trunk_append_prefix, heads_append_prefix = "trunk.", "heads." if is_feature_extractor_model(config.MODEL): trunk_append_prefix = "trunk.base_model." trunk_state_dict = append_module_prefix( classy_state_dict["trunk"], trunk_append_prefix ) heads_state_dict = append_module_prefix( classy_state_dict["heads"], heads_append_prefix ) state_dict = {} state_dict.update(trunk_state_dict) state_dict.update(heads_state_dict) return state_dict
[docs]def init_model_from_weights( config: AttrDict, model, state_dict: Dict[str, Any], state_dict_key_name: str, skip_layers: List[str], replace_prefix=None, append_prefix=None, ): """ Initialize the model from any given params file. This is particularly useful during the feature evaluation process or when we want to evaluate a model on a range of tasks. Args: config (AttrDict): config file model (object): instance of base_ssl_model state_dict (Dict): torch.load() of user provided params file path. state_dict_key_name (string): key name containing the model state dict skip_layers (List(string)): layer names with this key are not copied replace_prefix (string): remove these prefixes from the layer names (executed first) append_prefix (string): append the prefix to the layer names (executed after replace_prefix) Returns: model (object): the model initialized from the weights file """ # whether it's a model from somewhere else or a model from this codebase, load the # state_dict if state_dict_key_name and len(state_dict_key_name) > 0: assert ( state_dict_key_name in state_dict.keys() ), f"Unknown state dict key: {state_dict_key_name}" state_dict = state_dict[state_dict_key_name] if state_dict_key_name == "classy_state_dict": # get the appropriate model_state_dict so that the model can load. We automatically # take care of appending prefixes, suffixes etc to match the layer names. state_dict = get_checkpoint_model_state_dict(config, state_dict) else: # make any corrections to the layer names to load checkpoint successfully if replace_prefix: state_dict = replace_module_prefix(state_dict, replace_prefix) if append_prefix: state_dict = append_module_prefix(state_dict, append_prefix) check_model_compatibilty(config, state_dict) # load the checkpoint now all_layers = model.state_dict() local_rank, _ = get_machine_local_and_dist_rank() max_len_model = max(len(key) for key in all_layers.keys()) for layername in all_layers.keys(): if len(skip_layers) > 0 and any(item in layername for item in skip_layers): if local_rank == 0:"Ignored layer:\t{layername}") continue if layername in state_dict: param = state_dict[layername] if not isinstance(param, torch.Tensor): param = torch.from_numpy(param) # if we are initializing the heads and the feature eval mode is on, we check # if we are evaluating the heads as well or not. If not, we don't initialize # the heads. Otherwise we initialize the heads. if ( not ("heads" in layername) or ( "heads" in layername and not config.MODEL.FEATURE_EVAL_SETTINGS.EVAL_MODE_ON ) or ( "heads" in layername and config.MODEL.FEATURE_EVAL_SETTINGS.EVAL_MODE_ON and config.MODEL.FEATURE_EVAL_SETTINGS.EVAL_TRUNK_AND_HEAD ) ): assert all_layers[layername].shape == param.shape, ( f"{layername} have different shapes: " f"checkpoint: {param.shape}, model: {all_layers[layername].shape}" ) all_layers[layername].copy_(param) if local_rank == 0: f"Loaded: {layername: <{max_len_model}} of " f"shape: {all_layers[layername].size()} from checkpoint" ) else: if local_rank == 0:"Ignored layer:\t{layername}") else: if local_rank == 0:"Not found:\t\t{layername}, not initialized") if local_rank == 0: extra_layers = [] # go through the checkpoint state_dict and print what extra layers exist in checkpoint for layername in state_dict.keys(): if layername not in all_layers: extra_layers.append(layername)"Extra layers not loaded from checkpoint: {extra_layers}") ####################### DEBUG ############################ # print_state_dict_shapes(model.state_dict()) return model