Source code for vissl.utils.misc

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

import logging
import random
import tempfile

import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
import torch
import torch.multiprocessing as mp
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from import load_file

[docs]def is_apex_available(): """ Check if apex is available with simple python imports. """ try: import apex # NOQA apex_available = True except ImportError: apex_available = False return apex_available
[docs]def is_faiss_available(): """ Check if faiss is available with simple python imports. To install faiss, simply do: If using PIP env: `pip install faiss-gpu` If using conda env: `conda install faiss-gpu -c pytorch` """ try: import faiss # NOQA faiss_available = True except ImportError: faiss_available = False return faiss_available
[docs]def is_opencv_available(): """ Check if opencv is available with simple python imports. To install opencv, simply do: `pip install opencv-python` regardless of whether using conda or pip environment. """ try: import cv2 # NOQA opencv_available = True except ImportError: opencv_available = False return opencv_available
[docs]def find_free_tcp_port(): """ Find the free port that can be used for Rendezvous on the local machine. We use this for 1 machine training where the port is automatically detected. """ import socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Binding to port 0 will cause the OS to find an available port for us sock.bind(("", 0)) port = sock.getsockname()[1] sock.close() # NOTE: there is still a chance the port could be taken by other processes. return port
[docs]def get_dist_run_id(cfg, num_nodes): """ For multi-gpu training with PyTorch, we have to specify how the gpus are going to rendezvous. This requires specifying the communication method: file, tcp and the unique rendezvous run_id that is specific to 1 run. We recommend: 1) for 1-node: use init_method=tcp and run_id=auto 2) for multi-node, use init_method=tcp and specify run_id={master_node}:{port} """ init_method = cfg.DISTRIBUTED.INIT_METHOD run_id = cfg.DISTRIBUTED.RUN_ID if init_method == "tcp" and cfg.DISTRIBUTED.RUN_ID == "auto": assert ( num_nodes == 1 ), "cfg.DISTRIBUTED.RUN_ID=auto is allowed for 1 machine only." port = find_free_tcp_port() run_id = f"localhost:{port}" elif init_method == "file": if num_nodes > 1: logging.warning( "file is not recommended to use for distributed training on > 1 node" ) # Find a unique tempfile if needed. if not run_id or run_id == "auto": unused_fno, run_id = tempfile.mkstemp() elif init_method == "tcp" and cfg.DISTRIBUTED.NUM_NODES > 1: assert cfg.DISTRIBUTED.RUN_ID, "please specify RUN_ID for tcp" elif init_method == "env": assert num_nodes == 1, "can not use 'env' init method for multi-node. Use tcp" return run_id
[docs]def setup_multiprocessing_method(method_name: str): """ PyTorch supports several multiprocessing options: forkserver | spawn | fork We recommend and use forkserver as the default method in VISSL. """ try: mp.set_start_method(method_name, force=True)"Set start method of multiprocessing to {}".format(method_name)) except RuntimeError: pass
[docs]def set_seeds(cfg, node_id=0): """ Set the python random, numpy and torch seed for each gpu. Also set the CUDA seeds if the CUDA is available. This ensures deterministic nature of the training. """ node_seed = cfg.SEED_VALUE if cfg.DISTRIBUTED.NUM_NODES > 1: node_seed = node_seed * 2 * node_id"MACHINE SEED: {node_seed}") random.seed(node_seed) np.random.seed(node_seed) torch.manual_seed(node_seed) if cfg["MACHINE"]["DEVICE"] == "gpu" and torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(node_seed)
[docs]def get_indices_sparse(data): """ Is faster than np.argwhere. Used in loss functions like swav loss, etc """ cols = np.arange(data.size) M = csr_matrix((cols, (data.ravel(), cols)), shape=(data.max() + 1, data.size)) return [np.unravel_index(, data.shape) for row in M]
[docs]def merge_features(output_dir, split, layer, cfg): """ For multi-gpu feature extraction, each gpu saves features corresponding to its share of the data. We can merge the features across all gpus to get the features for the full data. The features are saved along with the data indexes and label. The data indexes can be used to sort the data and ensure the uniqueness. We organize the features, targets corresponding to the data index of each feature, ensure the uniqueness and return. Args: output_dir (str): input path where the features are dumped split (str): whether the features are train or test data features layer (str): the features correspond to what layer of the model cfg (AttrDict): the input configuration specified by user Returns: output (Dict): contains features, targets, inds as the keys """"Merging features: {split} {layer}") output_feats, output_targets = {}, {} for local_rank in range(0, cfg.DISTRIBUTED.NUM_PROC_PER_NODE): for node_id in range(0, cfg.DISTRIBUTED.NUM_NODES): dist_rank = cfg.DISTRIBUTED.NUM_PROC_PER_NODE * node_id + local_rank feat_file = f"{output_dir}/rank{dist_rank}_{split}_{layer}_features.npy" targets_file = f"{output_dir}/rank{dist_rank}_{split}_{layer}_targets.npy" inds_file = f"{output_dir}/rank{dist_rank}_{split}_{layer}_inds.npy""Loading:\n{feat_file}\n{targets_file}\n{inds_file}") feats = load_file(feat_file) targets = load_file(targets_file) indices = load_file(inds_file) num_samples = feats.shape[0] for idx in range(num_samples): index = indices[idx] if not (index in output_feats): output_feats[index] = feats[idx] output_targets[index] = targets[idx] output = {} output_feats = dict(sorted(output_feats.items())) output_targets = dict(sorted(output_targets.items())) feats = np.array(list(output_feats.values())) N = feats.shape[0] output = { "features": feats.reshape(N, -1), "targets": np.array(list(output_targets.values())), "inds": np.array(list(output_feats.keys())), }"Features: {output['features'].shape}")"Targets: {output['targets'].shape}")"Indices: {output['inds'].shape}") return output
[docs]def get_json_data_catalog_file(): """ Searches for the dataset_catalog.json file that contains information about the dataset paths if set by user. """ json_catalog_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "configs", "config/dataset_catalog.json" ) return json_catalog_path
[docs]@torch.no_grad() def concat_all_gather(tensor): """ Performs all_gather operation on the provided tensors. *** Warning ***: torch.distributed.all_gather has no gradient. """ tensors_gather = [ torch.ones_like(tensor) for _ in range(torch.distributed.get_world_size()) ] torch.distributed.all_gather(tensors_gather, tensor, async_op=False) output =, dim=0) return output