Source code for vissl.utils.tensorboard

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This script contains some helpful functions to handle tensorboard setup.

import logging

from vissl.utils.checkpoint import get_checkpoint_folder
from import makedir

[docs]def is_tensorboard_available(): """ Check whether tensorboard is available or not. Returns: tb_available (bool): based on tensorboard imports, returns whether tensboarboard is available or not. """ try: import tensorboard # noqa F401 from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter # noqa F401 tb_available = True except ImportError:"Tensorboard is not available") tb_available = False return tb_available
[docs]def get_tensorboard_dir(cfg): """ Get the output directory where the tensorboard events will be written. Args: cfg (AttrDict): User specified config file containing the settings for the tensorboard as well like log directory, logging frequency etc Returns: tensorboard_dir (str): output directory path """ checkpoint_folder = get_checkpoint_folder(cfg) tensorboard_dir = f"{checkpoint_folder}/tb_logs""Tensorboard dir: {tensorboard_dir}") makedir(tensorboard_dir) return tensorboard_dir
[docs]def get_tensorboard_hook(cfg): """ Construct the Tensorboard hook for visualization from the specified config Args: cfg (AttrDict): User specified config file containing the settings for the tensorboard as well like log directory, logging frequency etc Returns: SSLTensorboardHook (function): the tensorboard hook constructed """ from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter from vissl.hooks import SSLTensorboardHook # get the tensorboard directory and check tensorboard is installed tensorboard_dir = get_tensorboard_dir(cfg) flush_secs = cfg.TENSORBOARD_SETUP.FLUSH_EVERY_N_MIN * 60 return SSLTensorboardHook( tb_writer=SummaryWriter(log_dir=tensorboard_dir, flush_secs=flush_secs), log_params=cfg.TENSORBOARD_SETUP.LOG_PARAMS, log_params_every_n_iterations=cfg.TENSORBOARD_SETUP.LOG_PARAMS_EVERY_N_ITERS, log_params_gradients=cfg.TENSORBOARD_SETUP.LOG_PARAMS_GRADIENTS, )