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from typing import Any, Dict

import numpy as np
import torchvision.transforms as pth_transforms
from classy_vision.dataset.transforms import register_transform
from classy_vision.dataset.transforms.classy_transform import ClassyTransform

[docs]@register_transform("ImgPilToMultiCrop") class ImgPilToMultiCrop(ClassyTransform): """ Convert a PIL image to Multi-resolution Crops. The input is a PIL image and output is the list of image crops. This transform was proposed in SwAV - """
[docs] def __init__(self, total_num_crops, num_crops, size_crops, crop_scales): """ Returns total_num_crops square crops of an image. Each crop is a random crop extracted according to the parameters specified in size_crops and crop_scales. For ease of use, one can specify `num_crops` which removes the need to repeat parameters. Args: total_num_crops (int): Total number of crops to extract num_crops (List or Tuple of ints): Specifies the number of `type' of crops. size_crops (List or Tuple of ints): Specifies the height (height = width) of each patch crop_scales (List or Tuple containing [float, float]): Scale of the crop Example usage: - (total_num_crops=2, num_crops=[1, 1], size_crops=[224, 96], crop_scales=[(0.14, 1.), (0.05, 0.14)]) Extracts 2 crops total of size 224x224 and 96x96 - (total_num_crops=2, num_crops=[1, 2], size_crops=[224, 96], crop_scales=[(0.14, 1.), (0.05, 0.14)]) Extracts 3 crops total: 1 of size 224x224 and 2 of size 96x96 """ assert np.sum(num_crops) == total_num_crops assert len(size_crops) == len(num_crops) assert len(size_crops) == len(crop_scales) trans = [] for i, sc in enumerate(size_crops): trans.extend( [ pth_transforms.Compose( [pth_transforms.RandomResizedCrop(sc, scale=crop_scales[i])] ) ] * num_crops[i] ) self.transforms = trans
def __call__(self, image): return list(map(lambda trans: trans(image), self.transforms))
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> "ImgPilToMultiCrop": """ Instantiates ImgPilToMultiCrop from configuration. Args: config (Dict): arguments for for the transform Returns: ImgPilToMultiCrop instance. """ return cls(**config)