Source code for

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import logging
from typing import Any, Dict

import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
from classy_vision.dataset.transforms import register_transform
from classy_vision.dataset.transforms.classy_transform import ClassyTransform

[docs]@register_transform("ImgRotatePil") class ImgRotatePil(ClassyTransform): """ Apply rotation to a PIL Image. Samples rotation angle from a set of predefined rotation angles. Predefined rotation angles are sampled at equal intervals in the [0, 360) angle space where the number of angles is specified by `num_angles`. This transform was used in RotNet - """
[docs] def __init__(self, num_angles=4, num_rotations_per_img=1): """ Args: num_angles (int): Number of angles in the [0, 360) space num_rotations_per_img (int): Number of rotations to apply to each image. """ self.num_angles = num_angles self.num_rotations_per_img = num_rotations_per_img # the last angle is 360 and 1st angle is 0, both give the original image. # 360 is not useful so remove it self.angles = torch.linspace(0, 360, num_angles + 1)[:-1]
def __call__(self, image): label = torch.randint(self.num_angles, [1]).item() img = TF.rotate(image, self.angles[label]) return img, label
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> "ImgRotatePil": """ Instantiates ImgRotatePil from configuration. Args: config (Dict): arguments for for the transform Returns: ImgRotatePil instance. """ num_angles = config.get("num_angles", 4) num_rotations_per_img = config.get("num_rotations_per_img", 1) assert num_rotations_per_img == 1, "Only num_rotations_per_img=1 allowed""ImgRotatePil | Using num_angles: {num_angles}") f"ImgRotatePil | Using num_rotations_per_img: {num_rotations_per_img}" ) return cls(num_angles=num_angles, num_rotations_per_img=num_rotations_per_img)