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import numpy as np
import PIL

Generic Image Enhancements using PIL.
These image enhancements only modify the photometric properties
and do not alter the geometric properties of the image.

[docs]class TransformObject(object): """ Helper object to that prints information about the transformation and other transforms can inherit from this. """ def _get_name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __repr__(self): str = f"{self._get_name()}({self.root_transform})" return str
[docs]class RandomValueApplier(TransformObject):
[docs] def __init__( self, min_v, max_v, root_transform, vtype="float", closed_interval=False ): """ Applies a transform by sampling a random value between [min_v, max_v] Args: min_v (float or int): minimum value max_v (float or int): maximum value root_transform (transform object): transform that will be applied. must accept a value as input. vtype (string): value type - either "float" or "int" closed_interval (bool): sample from [min_v, max_v] (when True) or [min_v, max_v) when False """ self.min_v = min_v self.max_v = max_v self.root_transform = root_transform self.vtype = vtype self.closed_interval = closed_interval if self.closed_interval: assert self.vtype == "int"
[docs] def sample_value(self): """ Randomly sample the value from min_v and max_v depending on float or int type and also whether to use open or closed interval for sampleing """ if self.vtype == "float": v = np.random.uniform(low=self.min_v, high=self.max_v) elif self.vtype == "int": if self.closed_interval: v = np.random.randint(low=self.min_v, high=self.max_v + 1) else: v = np.random.randint(low=self.min_v, high=self.max_v) return v
def __call__(self, img): v = self.sample_value() return self.root_transform(img, v) def __repr__(self): str = ( f"{self._get_name()}(min_v={self.min_v}, max_v={self.max_v}, " f"root_transform={self.root_transform}, vtype={self.vtype}, " f"closed_interval={self.closed_interval})" ) return str
[docs]def Sharpness(img, v): """ Applies PIL.ImageEnhance.Sharpness to the image """ assert 0.1 <= v <= 1.9, f"{v} out of range [0.1, 1.9]" return PIL.ImageEnhance.Sharpness(img).enhance(v)
[docs]def Solarize(img, v): """ Applies PIL.ImageOps.solarize to the image """ assert 0 <= v <= 256, f"{v} out of range [0, 256]" return PIL.ImageOps.solarize(img, v)
[docs]def Posterize(img, v): """ Applies PIL.ImageOps.posterize to the image """ assert 4 <= v <= 8, f"{v} out of range [4, 8]" v = int(v) return PIL.ImageOps.posterize(img, v)
[docs]def AutoContrast(img, _): """ Applies PIL.ImageOps.autocontrast to the image """ return PIL.ImageOps.autocontrast(img)
[docs]class RandomSharpnessTransform(RandomValueApplier): """ Randomly apply the Sharpness transformation with the random value selected from an interval. """
[docs] def __init__(self, min_v=0.1, max_v=1.9, root_transform=Sharpness, vtype="float"): """ Args: min_v (float): minimum value max_v (float): maximum value root_transform (transform object): transform that will be applied. must accept a value as input. vtype (string): value type - "float" """ super(RandomSharpnessTransform, self).__init__( min_v, max_v, root_transform, vtype )
[docs]class RandomPosterizeTransform(RandomValueApplier):
[docs] def __init__(self, min_v=4, max_v=8, root_transform=Posterize, vtype="int"): """ Args: min_v (int): minimum value max_v (int): maximum value root_transform (transform object): transform that will be applied. must accept a value as input. vtype (string): value type - "int" """ super(RandomPosterizeTransform, self).__init__( min_v, max_v, root_transform, vtype, True )
[docs]class RandomSolarizeTransform(RandomValueApplier):
[docs] def __init__(self, min_v=0, max_v=256, root_transform=Solarize, vtype="int"): """ Args: min_v (int): minimum value max_v (int): maximum value root_transform (transform object): transform that will be applied. must accept a value as input. vtype (string): value type - "int" """ super(RandomSolarizeTransform, self).__init__( min_v, max_v, root_transform, vtype, True )
[docs]class AutoContrastTransform(TransformObject): """ Wraps the AutoContrast method """ def __init__(self): self.root_transform = AutoContrast def __call__(self, img): return self.root_transform(img, 0)